1. Unplug
Working hard? Are the deadlines sneak-ing up on you? Why don’t you unplug your TV, computer, tablet, light-board etc. before you pass out. Take a break, maybe go for a walk. They say it’s good for you.

2. Befriend a handy person
Did you just break something and consider buying a new thing? Remember your friend’s friend who is really handy? Buy them a beer, invite them over for dinner! Maybe they can help you fix the crooked chair instead.
3. Don’t print
Okay, this one is hard. I know we all say: print it out, look at the details on paper, how does it look from afar, is it actually readable? Maybe try to print less? Or print smart! To print or not to print—that is the question.

4. Turn off the lights
Pull away the curtains and let the natural light in. Heck, open the window to save electricity. I know you were up late last night and the sunlight hurts your eyes, but it doesn’t hurt the environment.
5. Drink from the cup
If you ditch the plastic straw you could avoid gas, bloating, and even wrinkles around your mouth!
6. Work from home
If you’re feeling tired one day, and it’s raining outside, why don’t you stay at home instead of going to work? Do your job in the comfort of your own bed. No pants are the best pants.

7. Sketch on both sides
Yes, I know it can smudge the next page. But it will eventually make your sketchbook look more full, and you’ll save both paper and money.
8. Air-dry everything
Air-dry your body, hair, nails, clothes, shoes, even your pet—instead of using a machine. Imagine how your colleagues will envy your natural beachy hair in the morning. It will look shitty by lunch, but who cares!
9. Use matches
Cardboard matches are the best. They don’t require petroleum, unlike plastic gas-filled lighters. Also, they smell better, so they can be used to disguise your stinky farts.

10. Cuddle
Are you feeling a little bit lonely? Why don’t you find another lonely person or get a pet? For instance, crazy cat ladies often cuddle their cats as a way to keep warm.
11. Meat free Monday
Not ready to go full-on-vegetarian yet? Why don’t you try cutting down on the meat. If you do it once a week, it will make you feel much lighter on your feet.
12. Party up
Invite all your friends over for a party in the winter and dance it out! Your house will get warm and toasty in no time—the more the merrier!
13. Grow houseplants
Plants interact with your body, mind, and home in ways that enhance the quality of your life. They purify the air and make breathing easier.
14. Knowledge is power
Do your research. If you stay informed you will learn more about the problems we are facing, and how to solve them.
15. Sharing is caring
Share your clothes, food, notes, car, or maybe even a hot shower? It could be nice. Also, share this guide with other smart, creative people you know.
- Dullagan, S. (2016) Reducing the environmental impacts of graphic design. [Internett] https:// www.linkedin.com/pulse/reducing-environmental-impacts-graphic-design-stephen-dullaghan LinkedIn. [Read 20. oktober 2018].
- Ellison, K. (2013) A beginners guide to sustainable graphic design. [Internet] https://99designs.no/blog/tips/a-beginners-guide-to-sustainable-graphic-design/ 99 designs. [Read 20. oktober 2018].
- Huber, J. (u.å.) 22 little ways to go green. [Internett] https://www.thisoldhouse.com/ideas/22-little-ways-to-go-green This Old House magazine. [Read 20.oktober 2018].
- Inhabitat, (2016) Good to be home—50 ways your home could help save the earth. [Internett] https://inhabitat.com/infographic-50-ways-your-home-could-help-save-the-planet/ Inhabitat. [Read 20. oktober 2018].
- United Nations (u.å.) The lazy person’s guide to saving the world. [Internett] https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/takeaction/ Sustainable development goals. [Read 5.oktober 2018].