The environment is a topic that has gotten increasingly popular over the last years. To anyone who spends a lot of time on the internet, this doesn’t come as a big surprise. We can clearly see that people’s relationship to the planet is changing, but some still know little about it. We decided to take a walk down the streets of Bergen to ask the question: Have you made any changes the last few years that you feel helps the environment? Not everyone was excited to get questioned about the environment on a Monday afternoon, but we did get some answers:
Stella, 6
I pick up trash off the streets on my way home from school and recycle it. I don’t use the lamp in my room that often. I can’t always reach the switch. When I grow up I want to build a machine that cleans the ocean of plastic so that all the fish and whales and dolphins and the oceans are happy and healthy. I get sad when I think about the animals that get killed just so that we can eat them. When I eat I try to finish all the food on my plate so that we don’t throw away a lot of food. I can’t always finish it though. I also don’t shower every day so we don’t spend that much water.
Kristine, 12 1/2
Yes, I try to shower quicker. Now I only spend about 3 minutes per shower. We also try to carpool with my friends to scouts so that we don’t have to drive as much.

Steffen, 19
I mean I guess I do. I take the public transport, but that’s mostly because I don’t own a car.
Nikolas, 27
I use less plastic bags than I’ve previously done. I think in general I just use less plastic.

Eli, 64
Yeah, I recycle both plastic and metal now. I’ve also gotten a reusable shopping bag since my grandchildren insist on me using one. They’re good at making sure I’m up to date with these kinds of things. I also turn of the lights when the room isn’t being used. This is mostly because I try to save money, but I guess that counts right? I’ve been seeing a lot about food waste on tv lately, so I try to be more aware about what I throw away. I try to cut bread in half when I buy one and put the other half in the freezer so that I don’t have to throw away as much food. I feel like making small efforts really help in the long run though. I’m worried that it’s mostly the older generations that doesn’t think about the environment as much, since there was less focus on it when we grew up.