- About
- Editors's Note
- The History Of Artificial Intelligence
- The Future Of Illustration
- Crosslucid– a Berlin-Based art duo working with AI
- How Facial Recognition is Changing Society
- AI and Art: a Dream to Some a Nightmare to Others
- The Curios Case of Uncanny Valley
- Assistive AI through the Eyes of Designers
- AI Does the Things We Don't Want to Do or Cannot Do
- Our List of Red Flags Keeps Growing
- For My Jolly Rose
- Make the World a Better Place –A conversation with an AI
- Why AI Could not Thrive Without Social Media
- Machinations
- What Does The Future of AI Look Like to You
- Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Design
- Generative processes – An interview with Daniel Wenzel
- Artist Feature - Elmo Mistiaen
- AI—A Blessing or a Curse?

YMT is published by Visual communication, Design, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen © YMT 1, 2019; YMT 2, 2020; YMT 3, 2021, YMT 4 2022, YMT 5 2023
YMT is an experimental publication about Visual Communication Design as a field of knowledge and is available in a limited edition print and is open source online.
YMT is designed and produced by second-year bachelor students in their third semester of study. It is not prescribed when a new student group starts to work on each volume. The student-designers are encouraged to explore all avenues of investigation into how the content (including their own contributions to the contents) may best be served through editorial design and publication means. YMT contains what has recently been questioned in our field in this academy and region with contributions of original content by second-year BA students in the course Editorial design and visual identity.
YMT introduces and invites students to design journalism, editorship, and authorship, and to how the nuanced visual language of text and image may be employed in a field that requires multimodal articulation. The making of YMT creates a situation for students, whose forte is not to write (or even talk), where autonomy is stimulated and ideas and thoughts are voiced in the visual language and through design writing. The students are invited into a creative conversation—professional dialogue and discourse—within a flat democratic structure of hierarchy. The students can and do contribute written content to YMT in addition to design and visual material
Teachers in the Editorial design and visual identity course in which YMT is made have been Dóra Ísleifsdóttir, Åse Huus, Magnus Nyquist, and Gustav Kvaal. Jan Edgar Hartvedt from Aksell AS in Bergen has been the printing and paper consultant for the course.
About the publication series
YMT is an experimental publication about Visual Communication as a field of knowledge. YMT is available in a limited edition print and is open source online here. YMT is in English.
YMT 1, in the printed version, was published in an edition of 450.
YMT 2, in the printed version, was published in an edition of 200.
YMT 3, in the printed version, was published in an edition of 300.
YMT 4, in the printed version, was published in an edition of 500.
YMT 5, in the printed version, was published in an edition of 200.
It is available on Facebook as YMT magazine,
and on Instagram as ymtmag.
Ymtmag on Facebook︱@ymtmag on Instagram
2535-6399 (print)︱2535-6402 (online)
YMT, print and online, is archived and available through the Norwegian National Library and the KMD library.
Publisher’s disclaimer, and a statement about authors’ ownership:
Each contributing author has sole responsibility for the content of his or her article, including all text, images, and references. Each author is sole owner of their contribution as submitted. The designed and published contribution is owned by KMD YMT’s publisher. Any errors that result from the editorial design of the magazine are due to it being designed as BA coursework assignment and KMD, including all staff, does not accept responsibility for any errors or consequences thereof. Contributors, authors, are aware of this risk when submitting to the magazine, and submission is a declaration of understanding and agreement. Each author has consented to their contribution being published in print and online (this site and GitHub), and is the copyright holder for their own contribution and licence.
2023, Visual Communication, Department of Design, KMD, UiB
Dóra Ísleifsdóttir︱Åse Huus︱Magnus Nyquist
Art directors
Agnes Bohinen Muren︱Anette Olianna Walbeck︱Lene Marie Sæthre
Mina Kristine Aarseth︱Maiken Larsen Solholmvik︱Sigve Tillier︱Thondiv Ela Calip
Layout & Print
Carolina Christina Lykins︱Ida Kristine Ones︱Jenny Karen Gautesdatter Paus
Louise Häggström︱Maria Stene Holstad︱Marion Ingvaldsen Høydal
Marius Hansen Høgås︱Malgorzata Kuznik︱Ulva Bendiksen Vikse
Fredrik M.Salhus
Online House
Clara Neegaard︱Martin Magnussen︱Mira Faust︱Scott Bodin︱Siri Angvik︱ Helge Gral
Nimbus Sans ︱ IvyJournal ︱ NoNameYet
Thanks to
KMD︱Jan Edgar Hartvedt, Aksell AS︱Ole Lund︱Yi-Chin Lai